Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Orlando Show (Memorable Quotes)

 The Orlando Show (Memorable Quotes)


"I'm biodegradable."

"Save water, shower with a friend."

"I've seen a chicken satisfy a horse!"

"I was David Sanborn to love you."

"Raft In a Jar: The Anecdote When You Can't Float."

"The flowers here smell like beer. At least they do when we get drunk and throw up on them."

"I ain't the brains, I'm the iron man."

"Have you thought about sitting on a football and seeing if you can get to the laces?"

"Do you trust Lizzie sexually? Because she can be on my show if not."

"Superface Transmitted Disease."

"Attention Dragon: Shut up."

"Scorpion woman, you've returned."

"Sweet turtles swimming in the sea!"

"Jet lag? There's no jet lag in time travel."

"We didn't really get much mail for being gone 50 million years."

"I am a Barbie girl, okay?"

"It doesn't matter what you put in me, you're not getting anything out of me."

"Super Jump!"

"Wait! I've gotta take my picture with the Betty White statue!"

"Celebrate Maple Syrup Fantastic Day."

"I've created it! The vile toxin that it be- once she ingests it, she will be among the feathered people."

"Am I talking loud? I slept by a dumpster and have an inner ear infection."

"That doesn't light my fancy."

"You'll know your Battery Acid Chili is setting in once there is an iridescent brown glow. If you're using ingredients from the Chernobyl site, you should be seeing more of a radioactive green."

"Think prehistoric!"

"For my motivation I'll need a whole backpack full of wine!"

"It's Disney security. We don't have a permit... run!"

"Never again will Canadian bacon be referred to as ham. We're done with that."

"This one is for you Rob. This one is for you Jason. And this one... I don't know what it's for. But we had extra money, so I bought one."

"It's Superface on his magical lion!"

"King Tall, I found them... and I'm gonna f**k these motha f**kers up."

"Let us bridge your gaps."

"And now we're going to show you why flowers are fun."

"Halt unbelievers!"

"How could I be so careless?"

"You know damn well where Canada is!"

"Canada has a back door?"

"It already smells like beer, hockey, and pine trees."

"Damn dirty Canadians!"

"Let's open up our own coin-operated laundry mat!"

"How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!"

"I will now go into hiding... like Napoleon. Except he's a lot shorter than I am. But I will have my revenge on The Orlando Show. I will get you, my pretties. King Tall out."

"I can't believe Charli was blown up with a nuclear warhead."

"What kind of super hero wears a Boston hat?"

"Fingers, if you wanna be with me you're gonna have to go straight... from crime, that is."

"A date with Rob? Do you like his Aladdin skin complexion?"

"I'm gonna bust a cap in your ass, now get off my playground!"

"Brace yourself, crackers!"

"Would you like some Nerds? They're good for you."

"Tupperware Party!"

"I think I just made some liquid nitrogen."

"So you hosers think you can get Charli out of the Old West, eh? Not while there is still beer in my veins!"

"I love Uncle Sam more than any woman I have ever known."