Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Orlando Show: "The DAIM Reunion"

"It's your thing, do what you wanna do..." 

Once upon a time in a land far, far away... Orlando, Florida- two idiots decided to start their own talk show.  Here's the origin to that idea, the very FIRST shot of said idiots on camera:
... that was 2006.  What would follow over the course of the next few years would be an Internet sensation that never quite found its way to a viral status.  A show about Orlando with a nearly incomprehensible storyline involving sibling rivalry, friendship, sex, a Canadian king and a president of Orlando, French villains with names like Fingers and Madame X, a Mad Scientist who kidnaps girls and turns them into ducks, lawyers who use the Jedi force, a magician who can explain time travel with a napkin, a superhero who fights evil with his face and rides a magical lion... and that's just the beginning.
The OSHOW cast: Jason Anders, Rob Volpe, Elizabeth Hubley, Ryan Cipriani, Keith Ulmer, Aaron Rank, & Andrea Cox.
It has been nearly four years since the entire cast of The Orlando Show have gathered together in one room, and this weekend we reunited to record what would end up being a 4 1/2 hour podcast in which we reminisce about the OSHOW, re-telling the entire narrative as well as behind-the-scenes stories.  In an honest effort to make sense of the madness, it seems we may have only confused it further... but at least it was fun.

Download The Orlando Show: "Reunion Podcast" on iTunes HERE


Listen to The Orlando Show: "Reunion Podcast" on YouTube below:

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